The ICALEPCS 2019 International Scientific Advisory Committee is proud to announce the winners of the Lifetime Achievement award and the Leadership in Mentoring awards.
Lifetime Achievement Award, Dr. Mark Rivers
Research Professor at the University of Chicago
- Received a PhD from U.C. Berkeley in Geology and Geophysics in 1985.
- Spent 10 years at NSLS at Brookhaven working on an x-ray microprobe.
- Moved to Chicago in 1993 to be co-Director of the GeoSoilEnviroCARS beamlines at the APS.
- Has been Executive Director of the Center for Advanced Radiation Sources at the University of Chicago since 2013.
- Have worked with EPICS for beamline controls for over 25 years, written many drivers, and developed the EPICS areaDetector framework.
Leadership in Mentoring Award, Andrew N. Johnson
Computer Scientist in the Controls Group at the Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory.
- Co-chair of the EPICS Core Developers group.
- Since 2006 a lead developer of the EPICS tool-kit.
- Given several 1-week courses in EPICS at the USPAS.
- First introduced to EPICS in 1993 while working at the Royal Greenwich Observatory, Cambridge, England.
- Since 1998 Chartered Engineer (C.Eng) in UK and a Member of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (MIET).
Leadership in Mentoring Award, Dr. Kay-Uwe Kasemir
Ph.D. University of Osnabrück (Germany), thesis work on nonlinear optics.
- 1999-2004 Staff member of Control System Group, Los Alamos National Laboratory, NM.
- Since 2004 working on Control System software at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TN.
- Research interests include software engineering and design applied to distributed control systems.
- Worked on almost every aspect of EPICS, in recent years concentrating on user interface tools.
- Participated in and conducted numerous tutorials at EPICS collaboration meetings, at EPICS sites around the world and also at the US Particle Accelerator School.